Reward and Recognise Your Remote Workforce

Reward and Recognise Your Remote Workforce

You can engage and motivate your team by recognising achievements. Taking the time to reward and recognise your remote workforce is very important. Recognition of your employee’s good work makes them feel valued by you and the business. If you take the time to reward employees for excellence it makes them feel individually noticed by you and that what they contribute is important.

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3 Tips for Leading Remote Employees

3 Tips for Leading Remote Employees

I have been led remotely and have led a remote team for the last few years. I have experienced both good and bad remote leadership. These are 3 tips for leading remote employees that I have learnt from my experiences. I like to think that I put these into practice in leading my remote team. However, they are the people to ask about that, not me. It is important that leaders model the right behaviours in the virtual world.

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